Sunday, November 22, 2009

MRP User Exit: Material Selection for Planning Run

You define the key and the description texts for the user exit function for selecting materials for the planning run.

Using the user exist, you can limit the planning run (MRP, MPS, long-term planning) to materials with certain criteria (which you define).


For example, for each plant, you can define that in the selected plant the system will only plan;
  • materials to be planned using MRP procedures,
  • materials of a certain MRP controller
  • externally procured materials or materials produced in-house

User exist must be activated in the SAP externsion concept. The name of the extension is M61X0001.

In the documentation for this extension, you will find information on the use of user exits.

For more information on the extension concept, please refer to the appropriate documentation.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Automatic Conversion of PR to PO

You created purchase requisition for various material. During creation of purchase order you used the following path:

Purchase Requisition

.......Follow on function
.........Create Purchase Order
............automatic via purReq.

When you mentioned required purchase requisition number and execute, system give error that purchase requisition does not contain any suitable item.

Is there any setting in customization where you can monitor and use that function.
In an effort for you to successfully use the Transaction Code ME59 to automatically convert the current PR into PO, then the following criteria should be met:

1) In the Purchasing View of the material master data, the "Autom. PO" field must be clicked;

2) In the Purchasing View of the Vendor Master Data, the "Automatic Purchase Order" field must be clicked;

3) The Outline Agreement or Purchasing Info Record shall be maintained which will allow the automatic copying of unit price and other conditions into PO;

4) The Source List shall be maintained for the nominated vendor which was shown in either the Outline Agreement or Purchasing Info Record.


it might be PR subject to release strategy and not yet released


If you're not using a source list or automatic creation of PO, you may need to assign the requisition to a purchase information record using transaction ME56. Then it should appear in ME58.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Difference between MRP Type PD and VB

Depending on this field , the behaviour of MRP will be completely different.When you work with PD, you work with BOM structures.

Imagine the final material A , and its component B you need 2 pieces of B to produce 1 piece of A.If you work with PD and you receive for example a sales order for A of 10 pieces , the MRP with PD will determinate that you need 20 pieces of B taken into account the sales order delivery date. The system will use the BOM to know the quantity that you need. You will not have additional stock for the component B. The system will procure when and how many pieces you need.

IF with the same example you work with VB for component B, then you have to define a reorder point (example 5).

If your stock is bellow that level ,the system will procure to get again the reorder point level. If you have enough stock (example 30) the system will not create any purchase requisiton for B, independent of the sales orders of A , and the reservation of 20 pieces.

When yuo work with expensive components you should use PD , because you don´t have stock without pegged requirements. if the materials are cheap and you need to have allways some stock , you can define VB as planning type.IF you use ND. the component B will not be planned, that means the MRP will not create any planned order or purchase requisition to cover requirements. you have to create manually.

What are different MRP types?

The differnt types of planning procedures are
1. MPS - Master Production Scheduling
2. MRP - Material Reuquirements planning
3. Consumption based planning - (there are two types)
   i) Forecast based planning
   ii) Reorder point planning
       a) Manual Reoderpoint planning
       b) Automatic reorderpoint planning